A zsákmánnyal történő kíméletes bánásmód hál’ Istennek immár a horgászhétköznapok részét képezi. Köszönhető ez többek között annak is, hogy a legtöbb intenzíven telepített tavon, ahol akár napi egy tucat kapitális halat is meg lehet fogni, odafigyelnek erre és kötelezővé teszik a halkímélő eszközök használatát. A By Döme TEAM FEEDER palettán is immár több ilyen céllal készült eszköz található, így ebben az írásban és filmben szeretném ezeket bemutatni, valamint részletesen elmondani, hogy melyiket milyen helyzetekre ajánlom.
Elkészült a 2025. évi versenynaptár tervezete. Ez alapján máris könnyebb a szabadságok és szabadnapok ütemezése – nagyon sok jó verseny vár ránk ebben az évben is. Remélhetőleg a versenyek időpontjai véglegesek, amennyiben mégis változás következne be, igyekszünk a legrövidebb időn belül javítani. Ismét jöhet a tervezés, készülődés.
Egy kevésbé ismert, de egyszerű és hatékony horogelőkét szeretnék most bemutatni, mely nem más, mint a Half rig. Ezzel az előkével először Angliában ismerkedtem meg, ahol dobós horgászatok során nagy nyomásnak kitett vizeken használták nagy eredménnyel a sporttársak. Egyszerűsége és hatékonysága miatt úgy véltem, helye van ebben a cikksorozatban is.
Haldorádó Team Ltd.
Fishing tackle wholesaler
Official registry number
C/002 489/2004.
Tax number
EU Tax number
Bank account number
IBAN Forint invoice
HU65 1010 1047 4374 0300 0100 4004
IBAN EUR invoice
HU79 1010 1047 4374 0300 0100 5304
Registration number
03-09-118651, Bács-Kiskun County Court, as Regsitry Court
6400 Kiskunhalas, Széchenyi út 49.
Showroom and Customer Service
6400 Kiskunhalas, Széchenyi út 49.
Web shop
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 8:00-17:00, Saturday: 7:00-12:00
Tamás Haskó
Development and maintenance
The foundation stone of our enterprise, the HALDORÁDÓ HORGÁSZBOLT was opened on the 1st of December in 1997. Since then, our shop has become one of the most famous fishing tackle stores of the country, and one of the most well-equipped specialist shops of Southern Hungary.
In the life of our company the next large step was the opening of the HALDORÁDÓ CENTRUM on the 3rd of April in 2006. The new, European standard, almost 400 square metre area store welcomes its old and new customers with an assortment of tackles satisfying a fisherman’s every need. You can find almost everything here that you need for fishing!
Our first own HALDORÁDÓ brand products came out in 2008. The experience and knowledge gained during decades were embodied in these attractants and useful accessories. Product development is continuous and undiminished; we come out with new products every year.
After lengthy preparatory work, in 2016, the time arrived for us to utilize our knowledge on the field of development of fishing “hardware” (rods, reels, accessories) as well. Perfect equipment produced for feeder fishing appeared under the brand name of By Döme.
Our shop is By Döme, Haldorádó, Kaiwo, Deeper, Owner ,Nash, Nevis,Carp Academy, Reiva, Favorite, Prologic, Okuma, Energoteam, Shimano, Gardner, Guru, Korda, PB Product, FOX, Salmo, Rapala, CarpZoom, Cralusso, Preston, Korum, Humminbird, Thermacell, Led Lenser, Norfin, Dudi Bait, Dynamite Baits, Acroft, Mivardi, Mikado, Ottó Bácsi, Delphin, Black Cat, Boatman, Senzor Planet, Tímár mix, King Baits, Bait Bait, Promix, Aqua Garant, Penn, Gamakatsu, Spomb, Varivas, Energizer, Mad Cat, BKK dealer, but one can find abundant range of all other well-known and popular fishing tackle brands too. You can choose from 300 kind of reels, 500 different type of rods, about 8000 small accessories and 800 excellent groundbaits, attractive material on average, and enjoy polite and professional service!
Haldorádó Centrum
6400 Kiskunhalas, Széchenyi út 49.
Web shop
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 17:00, Saturday: 7:00 - 12:00
Tamás Haskó
Haldorádó Fishermen’s Website
The www.haldorado.huopened its virtual gates on the 3rd of March in 2002, and thanks to You and the enthusiastic employers of the Haldorádó Team, it has become Hungary’s most visited, leading anglers’ website. We know it very well that it is impossible to meet everyone’s expectations, but still we would like to achieve that the fishermen who visit our site day by day would enjoy themselves and find what they need. This can be a friend or a helpful angler who can give advice on the FORUM… or a fresh article or an interesting video which might mediate new information… or a fishing tackle which you haven’t found anywhere else before but you can order it from our web shop, and receive it without moving out from your home. Something always happens here which makes it worth clicking on our site!
Customer Information for Hungarian customers
You can browse our web shop optionally, you can get to know our products and prices without revealing your identity; you may receive information about the details without any shopping compulsion. For easier orientation we classified our products according to main categories. You can find the products in smaller subcategories within each main category. The prices of all products include sales tax. By clicking on a product you will be directed to a page describing that specific item. Here, besides a detailed description, you can find pictures of the products as well. If you click on a picture, it will appear in a bigger window.
If you cannot find a specific item, you should try our search engine. You may enter any expression or part of a word from the description or name of the product into the Haldorádó search engine that can be found in the upper right corner of your screen. After pressing search, as a result of it, all items will appear which description includes the given word or word piece. You can get to the desired product by clicking on these links. If the search prove to be ineffectual this way too, turn to our customer service. Our colleagues are at your service whole-heartedly, and they will inform you whether we can get the required item or not.
In order to be able to shop in our store (and to use the forum, or post an ad or play games), firstly you will have to sign up. If you click on the “Registration” line of the login menu, the user login window will appear. You will have to give your real personal data here.
Identifier: this should be such a real or nickname, which no one has chosen here before. This name will appear when you write a post in the forum. The identifier mustn’t contain dots, it has to be at least 3 characters, and its maximal length can be 16 characters only. It can include any number or letter.
Password: this is a secret identifier used at every login. The password mustn’t contain any dots, and its minimal length is 5 characters. This can include any number or letter. Should you forget your password, we can send it to you via email.
E-mail: you will have to give your email address too. You must give your real, existing email address for your own interest! We will send a code necessary for validation to this email address at the time of the first login.
After signing up, we will send a six number validation code to your email address with which we would like to test whether your address really exists or not. You will have to write this code into the window that opens up in the upper left corner of your screen at the time of the first login. After you do this, you won’t need this code anymore. Later you will have to use your identifier and your password only.
10seconds until we redirecting you to the payment page.