Hajdanán az orsók egyszerűek voltak, kevés alkatrészből készültek, és legalább olyan könnyű volt őket összerakni, mint szétszedni. Manapság azért más a helyzet! A modern műszerek ugyanis tele vannak mindenféle apró alkatrésszel, és olykor bizony komoly kihívást jelent egy szétszedett tekerő összerakása. Annak érdekében, hogy egy orsó jól működjön, először is figyelmesnek, megfontoltnak, óvatosnak, türelmesnek és alaposnak kell lenni a karbantartás során. Az összeszerelés persze a karbantartás nehezebb része, tehát bízom benne, hogy a mostani útmutató segítségével az utolsó csavar is a helyére kerül!
A By Döme TEAM FEEDER termékcsalád immár nagyon sokrétű! Nem csupán horgászbotok és orsók, hanem egyéb minőségi kiegészítők is megtalálhatók a szortimentben. Ezek közül nagyon népszerűek a halkímélő eszközök, valamint merítő fejek és merítő nyelek, melyek megkönnyítik a horgászok dolgát a zsákmány kiemelése közben. A kínálatból egy dolog hiányzott még, ez pedig egy prémium minőségű, könnyű és hosszú merítő nyél, amely akár versenyhorgászatra is alkalmas! Immár ez is megérkezett, így most örömmel mutatom be a By Döme TEAM FEEDER Brutal Carp merítő nyelet!
A Wizard Micro Jig pergető botot megjelenése óta használom, tesztelgetem…
effective from the date of 2021-01-01
Welcome to our Website! Thank you for honouring us with your trust during your purchase!
This webshop GTC is made with the Consumer Friendly GTC generator.
If you have any questions about these General Terms and Conditions, the use of the website, individual products, the process of purchase, or if you would like to discuss your specific needs with us, please contact our staff at the contact details provided!
Imprint: data of the Service Provider (Seller, Business)
Name: Haldorádó Team Kft.
Seat: H-6400 Kiskunhalas, Széchenyi út 49.
Mailing address: 6400 Kiskunhalas, Széchenyi út 49.
Store, pick-up point address: HALDORÁDÓ CENTRUM-6400 Kiskunhalas, Széchenyi utca 49.
Registering authority: Company Registry Court of Kecskemét Regional Court
Registration number: 03-09-118651
Tax number: 14871632-2-03
Represented by: Zoltán Pintér and Gábor Döme
Telephone number: 06 20 9457 758
E-mail: horgaszbolt@haldorado.hu
Website: http://www.haldorado.hu
Bank account number: 10101047-43740300-01004004
IBAN: HU65 1010 1047 4374 0300 0100 4004
Hosting Provider’s data
Name: Intelliweb Kft.
Seat: 7627 Pécs, Wass Albert út 23.
Contact: 06 30 475 0766, info@intelliweb.hu
Website: intelliweb.hu
Parties: Seller and Purchaser together
Consumer: a natural person acting outside his profession, independent occupation or business activity
Consumer contract: a contract in which one of the subjects is a consumer
Website: this Website is used to conclude the contract
Contract: a contract for sale between the Seller and the Buyer resulting from the use of the Website and electronic mail
Device for communication between absentees means a device capable of making a contractual declaration in the absence of the parties with a view to concluding the contract. Such a device, in particular, the addressed or unaddressed form, the standard letter, the advertisement published in the press product with the order form, the catalogue, the telephone, the fax and the device that provides Internet access.
Distance contract means a consumer contract which is concluded in the context of a distance selling system organized for the provision of the contract product or service without the simultaneous physical presence of the parties by using only a device for communication between the absent parties in order to conclude the contract
Product: included in the supply of the Website, all marketable movable property intended for sale on the Website, which is the subject of the Contract
Undertaking means a person acting within its profession, independent occupation, or business activity
Buyer/You: the person concluding the contract making a purchase offer through the Website
Guarantee: in the case of contracts concluded between a consumer and a business (hereinafter: consumer contract) in accordance with the Civil Code,
a guarantee undertaken by the undertaking for the proper performance of the contract in addition to its legal obligation or in its absence voluntarily, as well
a mandatory guarantee based on the law
Relevant legislation
The Contract shall be governed by the provisions of Hungarian law, and in particular the followings:
Act CLV of 1997 on Consumer protection
Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of electronic commerce services and information society services
Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code
Government Decree No. 151/2003. (IX. 22.) on the mandatory guarantee for certain durable consumables
Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II.26.) on the detailed rules of contracts between a business and a consumer
NGM Decree 19/2014. No. (IV.29.) on the rules of procedure for the settlement of warranty and guarantee claims in respect of Consumer-Business Contracts
Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright
Act CXII of 2011 on information self-determination and freedom of information
REGULATION (EU) 2018/302 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 28 February 2018 on addressing unjustified geo-blocking and other forms of discrimination based on customers' nationality, place of residence or place of establishment within the internal market and amending Regulations (EC) No 2006/2004 and (EU) 2017/2394 and Directive 2009/22/EC
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation)
Scope and acceptance of the GTC
The content of the contract concluded between us - in addition to the provisions of the relevant binding legal regulations - is determined by these General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC). Accordingly, these GTC contain the rights and obligations of you and us, the conditions of concluding the contract, the deadlines for performance, the conditions of delivery and payment, the rules of liability, and the conditions of exercising the right of withdrawal.
The technical information required for the use of the Website, which is not included in these GTC, is provided by other information available on the Website.
You have to familiarize yourself with the provisions of these GTC before finalizing your order.
The language and the form of the Contract
The language of the contracts covered by the scope of these GTC is Hungarian.
Contracts covered by the scope of these GTC do not qualify as written contracts, they are not registered by the Seller.
Prices are in HUF and include 27% VAT. It cannot be ruled out that the Seller may change the prices for business policy reasons. Price changes does not cover contracts already concluded. If the Seller has indicated the price incorrectly and an order has been received for the product, but the parties have not yet concluded the contract, the Seller shall act in accordance with the “Procedure in case of incorrect price” point of the GTC.
Procedure in case of incorrect price
The following are obviously incorrectly quoted prices:
0 HUF price,
the price reduced by a discount but incorrectly indicating the discount (e.g. in the case of a product of HUF 1,000, the product offered for HUF 500 in addition to the 20% discount).
In case of indicating an incorrect price, the Seller offers the possibility to purchase the product at a fair price, in the possession of which the Buyer may decide to order the product at a fair price or cancel the order without any adverse legal consequences.
Complaint handling and legal remedy options
The consumer may submit consumer complaints about the product or the Seller's activities at the following contact details:
Customer service: HALDORÁDÓ CENTRUM-6400 Kiskunhalas, Széchenyi utca 49.
Customer service opening hours:
Monday-Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturday: 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Phone: +36 20 9457 758
Internet address: http://www.haldorado.hu
E-mail: horgaszbolt@haldorado.hu
Entry in the customer book. The customer's book is available in the Seller's store (customer service). The Seller will respond in writing to the entries written here within 30 days.
The consumer can communicate his/her complaint verbal or in writing to the business, relating to the conduct, activity or omission of the undertaking or of a person acting in the interest of the undertaking in connection with the distribution or sale of the goods to consumers.
The undertaking is obliged to investigate the verbal complaint immediately and remedy as necessary. If the consumer does not agree with the handling of the complaint or it is not possible to investigate the complaint immediately, the business shall immediately take record of the complaint and its position on it and provide a copy to the consumer on the spot in the event of an oral complaint. In the case of a verbal complaint communicated by telephone or other electronic communications service, it shall be sent to the consumer at the latest at the same time as the substantive reply within 30 days, in accordance with the requirements for replying to a written complaint. Otherwise, regarding the written complaint it is obliged to act as follows. Unless otherwise provided by a directly applicable act of the European Union, the undertaking shall respond to the written complaint in writing within thirty days of its receipt and shall take steps to communicate it. A shorter deadline may be established by law, a longer deadline by act. The undertaking shall give reasons for its position rejecting the complaint. A verbal complaint communicated by telephone or electronic communication service has to be provided with a unique identification number.
The record of the complaint shall include the following:
the consumer's name and address,
the place, time and method of submitting the complaint,
a detailed description of the consumer's complaint, a list of the documents, documents and other evidence submitted by the consumer,
a statement by the business regarding its position on the consumer's complaint, where the complaint can be promptly investigated,
the signature of the person taking the records and the consumer, except for the verbal complaints made by telephone or other electronic communications service,
place and time of recording of the record,
the unique identifier of the complaint in the case of the verbal complaint made by telephone or other electronic communications service.
The undertaking shall keep the record of the complaint and a copy of the reply for five years and shall make it available to the control authorities on request.
In the event of a complaint being rejected, the business shall inform the consumer in writing, with regard to the nature of the complaint, which authority or the arbitration board may initiate proceedings. The information shall also include the location, telephone and Internet contact details and the postal address of the competent authority or of the conciliation body where the consumer is domiciled or resident. The information should also include whether the business uses the arbitration procedure to resolve a consumer dispute.
If any consumer dispute between Seller and consumer is not resolved during the negotiations, the following remedies are open to the consumer:
Consumer protection procedure
Complaint to consumer protection authorities. If the consumer discovers a breach of his consumer rights, he is entitled to complain to the consumer protection authority in his place of residence. After considering the complaint, the authority will decide on the consumer protection procedure. The first-degree consumer protection duties are performed by the district offices competent for the consumer's place of residence, a list of these can be found here: http://www.kormanyhivatal.hu/
Judicial proceedings
Judicial proceeding. The customer is entitled to enforce his/her claim arising from a consumer dispute in court in a civil proceeding in accordance with the provisions of Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code and Act CXXX of 2016 on the Code of Civil Procedure.
Arbitration proceedings
We would like to inform you that you can file a consumer complaint against us. If your consumer complaint is rejected, you are also entitled to apply to the Arbitration Board competent for your place of residence or stay: the condition for initiating the Arbitration Board's proceedings is that the consumer directly seeks to resolve the dispute with the business concerned. At the request of the consumer, the arbitration board designated in the consumer's request shall be competent for the procedure, instead of the competent board.
The undertaking shall be subject to the duty of cooperation in the arbitration proceedings.
In this context, there is an obligation for undertakings to send a reply to the Arbitration Board's call and an obligation to appear before the Arbitration Board ("ensuring the participation of the person authorized to reach an agreement at the hearing").
If the registered office or registered place of business of the undertaking are not registered in the county of the chamber operating the territorially competent arbitration board, the obligation of the undertaking to cooperate includes offering the possibility of concluding a written agreement according to the needs of the consumer.
In the event of a breach of the above obligation to cooperate, the consumer protection authority has the power to impose mandatory fines in the event of infringing conduct by undertakings as a result of a change in legislation, and there is no possibility of waiving fines. In addition to the Consumer Protection Act, the relevant provision of the small and medium-sized enterprises Act has also been amended, so that the imposition of fines will not be waived in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises either.
The amount of the fine in the case of small and medium-sized enterprises can range from HUF 15,000 to HUF 500,000, while in the case of non-small and medium-sized enterprises with annual net sales of more than HUF 100 million covered by the Accounting Act, it may range from HUF 15,000 to 5% of the annual net sales of the enterprise, but not more than HUF 500 million. By introducing a mandatory fine, the legislator aims to emphasize cooperation with arbitration boards and to ensure the active participation of undertakings in conciliation proceedings.
The task of the arbitration board in an attempt to settle the dispute is the creation of Consumer agreement between the parties, in the event of failure to do so, it shall decide on the matter in order to ensure that consumer rights are enforced easily, quickly, efficiently and cost-effectively. At the request of the consumer or the undertaking, the arbitration board shall provide advice on the consumer's rights and obligations.
The arbitration board’s proceedings initiate for a request of the consumer. The request shall be submitted in writing to the chairman of the arbitration board: the written requirement may be fulfilled by letter, telegram, telegraph or telefax, or by any other means that enables the recipient to permanently store data addressed to it for a period sufficient to fulfil its purpose, and display.
The request shall include:
the consumer's name, place of residence or place of stay,
the name, registered office or place of business of the consumer involved in a consumer dispute,
where the consumer has the jurisdiction of the board applied for instead of the competent arbitration board,
a brief description of the consumer's opinion, the facts supporting it and the evidence therefore,
a statement by the consumer that the consumer has directly attempted to resolve the dispute with the business concerned
a statement by the consumer that no other arbitration board has taken action in the matter, no mediation has been initiated, no claim has been made or no request for payment order has been made,
motion for a decision of the board,
the signature of the consumer.
The application shall be accompanied by the document or a copy (extract) thereof, the content of which the consumer cites as evidence, in particular, a written statement of the business rejecting the complaint or, failing that, any other written evidence available to the consumer that he has attempted to obtain the arbitration sought.
If the consumer acts through a proxy, the proxy must be attached to the application.
More information on the Arbitration Boards is available here: http://www.bekeltetes.hu
More information on the regionally competent Arbitration Boards can be found here:
Contact details for each of the territorially competent Arbitration Boards:
Baranya County Arbitration Board
Address: 7625 Pécs, Majorossy I. u. 36.
Phone number: +36-72-507-154
Fax: +36-72-507-152
E-mail: abeck@pbkik.hu; mbonyar@pbkik.hu
Bács-Kiskun County Arbitration Board
Address: 6000 Kecskemét, Árpád krt. 4.
Phone number: +36-76-501-500; +36-76-501-525, +36-76-501-523
Fax: +36-76-501-538
E-mail: bekeltetes@bacsbekeltetes.hu; mariann.matyus@bkmkik.hu
Honlap: www.bacsbekeltetes.hu
Békés County Arbitration Board
Address: 5600 Békéscsaba, Penza ltp. 5.
Phone number: +36-66-324-976
Fax: +36-66-324-976
E-mail: eva.toth@bmkik.hu
Borsod-Abaúj-Zemplén County Arbitration Board
Address: 3525 Miskolc, Szentpáli u. 1.
Phone number: +36-46-501-091; +36-46-501-870
Fax: +36-46-501-099
E-mail: kalna.zsuzsa@bokik.hu
Budapest Arbitration Board
Address: 1016 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 99. III. em. 310.
Phone number: +36-1-488-2131
Fax: +36-1-488-2186
E-mail: bekelteto.testulet@bkik.hu
Csongrád County Arbitration Board
Address: 6721 Szeged, Párizsi krt. 8-12.
Phone number: +36-62-554-250/118
Fax: +36-62-426-149
E-mail: bekelteto.testulet@csmkik.hu
Fejér County Arbitration Board
Address: 8000 Székesfehérvár, Hosszúsétatér 4-6.
Phone number: +36-22-510-310
Fax: +36-22-510-312
E-mail: fmkik@fmkik.hu
Győr-Moson-Sopron County Arbitration Board
Address: 9021 Győr, Szent István út 10/a.
Phone number: +36-96-520-217
Fax: +36-96-520-218
E-mail: bekeltetotestulet@gymskik.hu
Hajdú-Bihar County Arbitration Board
Address: 4025 Debrecen, Vörösmarty u. 13-15.
Phone number: +36-52-500-710
Fax: +36-52-500-720
E-mail: korosi.vanda@hbkik.hu
Heves County Arbitration Board
Address: 3300 Eger, Faiskola út 15.
Phone number: +36-36-429-612
Fax: +36-36-323-615
E-mail: hkik@hkik.hu
Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok County Arbitration Board
Address: 5000 Szolnok, Verseghy park 8. III. emelet 305-306.
Phone number: +36-56-510-621, 06-20-373-2570
Fax: +36-56-510-628
E-mail: bekeltetotestulet@jnszmkik.hu
Komárom-Esztergom County Arbitration Board
Address: 2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 36.
Phone number: +36-34-513-027
Fax: +36-34-316-259
E-mail: szilvi@kemkik.hu
Nógrád County Arbitration Board
Address: 3100 Salgótarján, Alkotmány út 9/A.
Phone number: +36-32-520-860
Fax: +36-32-520-862
E-mail: nkik@nkik.hu
Pest County Arbitration Board
Address: 1119 Budapest, Etele út 59-61. II. emelet 240.
Mailing address: 1364 Budapest, Pf.: 81
Phone number: +36-1-269-0703
Fax: +36-1-474-7921
E-mail: pmbekelteto@pmkik.hu
Somogy County Arbitration Board
Address: 7400 Kaposvár, Anna u.6.
Phone number: +36-82-501-026
Fax: +36-82-501-046
E-mail: skik@skik.hu
Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County Arbitration Board
Address: 4400 Nyíregyháza, Széchenyi u. 2.
Phone number: +36-42-311-544
Fax: +36-42-311-750
E-mail: bekelteto@szabkam.hu
Tolna County Arbitration Board
Address: 7100 Szekszárd, Arany J. u. 23-25. III. emelet
Phone number: +36-74-411-661
Fax: +36-74-411-456
E-mail: kamara@tmkik.hu
Vas County Arbitration Board
Address: 9700 Szombathely, Honvéd tér 2.
Phone number: +36-94-312-356
Fax: +36-94-316-936
E-mail: vmkik@vmkik.hu
Veszprém County Arbitration Board
Address: 8200 Veszprém, Radnóti tér 1. földszint 116.
Phone number: +36-88-429-008
Fax: +36-88-412-150
E-mail: bekelteto@veszpremikamara.hu
Zala County Arbitration Board
Address: 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Petőfi u. 24.
Phone number: +36-92-550-513
Fax: +36-92-550-525
E-mail: zmbekelteto@zmkik.hu
Online dispute resolution platform
The European Commission has created a website where consumers can register, enabling them to settle their online disputes by filling out a request form, avoiding legal action. In this way, consumers can enforce their rights without, for example, being prevented by distance.
If you would like to complain about a product or service purchased online and do not necessarily want to go to court, you can use the online dispute resolution tool.
On the portal, you, and the trader against whom you have complained can jointly select the dispute resolution body that you wish to entrust with handling the complaint.
The online dispute resolution platform is available at: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/main/?event=main.home.show&lng=HU
Under Article 1 (1) of Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright (hereinafter: Copyright Act), the Website is considered as a copyrighted work, therefore all parts of that are protected by copyright. Section 16 (1) of the Copyright Act prohibits the unauthorized use of graphics and software solutions on the Website, the use of computer software or any application that modifies the Website or any part of it. You may retrieve any material from the Website and its database even with the written permission of the rights owner, but only by referring to the website and indicating the source. The right owner is the Haldorádó Team Kft.
Partial invalidity, code of conduct
If any clause of the GTC is legally incomplete or invalid, the remaining clauses of the contract will remain in effect and the provisions of the relevant legislation will apply instead of the invalid or defective part.
The Seller does not have a Code of Conduct under the Unlawful Commercial Practices Prohibition Against Consumers Act.
Operation of digital data content, technical protection measures
The availability of servers providing data on the website is over 99.9% per year. The entire data content is backed up regularly so that in case of a problem, the original data content can be restored. The data displayed on the website is stored in MSSQL and MySQL databases. Sensitive data is stored with adequate encryption, we use in-processor hardware support to encode them.
Information on the essential characteristics of products
On the website, we provide information on the essential features of the products that can be purchased in the descriptions of each product.
Correction of the entered data errors - Responsibility for the accuracy of the provided data
During the order, you have the opportunity to change the data you have entered before finalizing the order (clicking the back button in the browser will open the previous page, so you can correct the entered data even if you have already moved to the next page). Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure that the information you provide is entered accurately, as the product will be invoiced or shipped based on the information you provide. Please note that an incorrect e-mail address or the saturation of the storage space associated with the mailbox may result in non-delivery of the confirmation and may prevent the conclusion of the contract.
Use of the Website
Purchase is not subject to registration.
The purchase process
Product Selection
You can select the desired product family, including the individual products, by clicking on the Store menu item on the website and then on the appropriate product category. By clicking on each product, you will find the product photo, article number, description, and price. You have to pay the price on the website when making a purchase.
Place into cart
After selecting the Product, you can click on the "Add to Cart" button to add any number of products to the cart without incurring any obligation to purchase or pay, as placing in the cart does not constitute an offer.
We recommend that you add the product to the cart even if you are not sure that you want to buy the given product, because this will give you an overview of which products you have selected at the moment with a single click and you can view and compare them on one screen. Until the finalization of the order - until the "Order" button is pressed - the contents of the cart can be freely modified, products of your choice can be removed, new products can be added to the cart, or the desired product number can be changed.
If you add the selected product to the cart, a separate window will pop up with "The product has been successfully added to the Cart!" text. If you do not want to select more products, click the "Go to cart" button! If you want to see the selected product again or add another product to the cart, click the "Continue shopping" button!
View the Cart
When using the website, you can check the contents of the cart at any time by clicking on the "My Cart" icon at the top of the website. Here you can remove the selected products from the basket or change the number of products. The system displays information about the products you have selected, including the price of the products in your cart. If you do not want to select additional products and add them to the cart, you can continue the ordering process by clicking the "Next" button.
Enter customer information
After clicking the "Next" button, a new window will appear in which you can choose whether you have registration or want to continue shopping without registration.
If you already have a registration, go to the "Returning Customer" option. In this case, a login window will appear on the website where you can log in with your ID and password.
If you do not have a registration and would like to continue shopping without registration, you must select the "New Customer" option.
The next step is to choose your shipping method, enter your notification email address, and enter your billing information. Data marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
If you enter the notification e-mail address, you have the option to register with the order, in which case you have to click on the empty box in front of the text "Register and Edge with Haldorado Discount" and then enter the ID and password you want to use for registration. Registration can be done by accepting the data privacy policy.
The next step in your purchase is to enter your billing information. Data marked with an asterisk are mandatory.
If the shipping address is different from the billing address, you have to click the blank box in front of the text "Shipping address is different from the billing address." In this case, the delivery details are also required, the information marked with an asterisk is mandatory.
You can also write a comment for the order.
You must click "Next" to proceed to shipping and payment methods.
You can choose the delivery method or the payment method, which you can do with a click.
If you have chosen the right option for you, you need to click "Next" to proceed.
Order overview
On the "Order Summary" page, you will find the selected products, information about them, the subtotal, the packing and delivery fee, the weight of the package and the total amount. You can also use a coupon code or redeem bonus points for registered users.
If you have found everything to be appropriate in connection with the order, you have to accept the contents of these GTC and the contents of the Data Privacy Policy. You can place your order by clicking on the "Order" button. Clicking on the "Order" button will create a payment obligation for you.
Customer information for foreign customers (in English)
We also deliver to the European Union!
The huge demand for fishing articles in the web store and the growing demand for our own Haldorádó products are growing day by day not only in Hungary, but (mainly) in the surrounding countries! We are pleased to inform our visitors that we can deliver to all Member States of the European Union. At the same time, the credit card payment option has become a solution for all our customers. We strive for high-quality and comprehensive service, which is now available not only to Hungarian fishermen, but also to any angler living in the European Union!
Delivery times and shipping fees with Express One Courier Service:
Within the European Union: under 1000 euros it can vary between 12 euros and 40 euros depending on the country, over 1000 euros it is free.
Prices are per package and include 27% VAT.
The packaging cost has to be added to the shipping cost.
Packing costs
We pack our products in a suitably sized paper carton or paper box. The costs of this as follows:
Package value (HUF) |
Packing fee * (HUF) |
3,990-29,990 |
150 |
over 29,990 |
FREE!!! |
If the ordered package includes:
- Fishing rod,
- Bojlis scooping,
- Scoop handle,
- Scooping head,
- Set,
then, regardless of the total value of the package (i.e. even for purchases with a value exceeding HUF 29,990!), we will charge a packaging fee of HUF 500.
* The indicated prices include VAT!
Overweight package
Express One courier service delivers packages with a maximum total weight of 31.5 kg. Of course, you can also order a larger quantity of product (e.g. feed), but in this case it has to be considered that it cannot be sent in a single box. Then we have to place your order in two packages. The delivery cost of the second package is determined by the prices in the price table shown above - regardless of the total value of the order - we charge!
Steps to order and pay for packages from abroad
After placing the selected products in the cart, entering the customer's data, selecting the payment method, and then closing the order, the customer will receive an automatic confirmation e-mail.
The same letter will be sent to customer service as well.
The assembly of your package will start at the centre (on a working day).
If any product is sold out in the meantime but can be replaced, the customer will be contacted (by email or phone) for consultation.
If the consultation was necessary and accepted by the customer, the modified order will be closed.
You will then receive a letter listing the exact list and the total amount of your order.
You will then need to return to the site and pay for the order with your credit card or PayPal account.
As soon as the value of the order has been credited to our bank account, we will hand over the package to the Express One courier service.
The package will then arrive within the time shown in the table above. The courier no longer has to pay!
Selectable currencies: forint or euro.
We will send you an email about each step and the current status of your order.
We do not harass anyone unnecessarily by email or phone. If we do contact you, we will make sure that your package arrives as soon as possible and in full.
There may be a change in exchange rates during the negotiation period, i.e. the product ordered at the time of ordering will be cheaper or more expensive. You must pay the purchase price submitted on the day of the order.
Payment methods from abroad
credit card payment
payment from PayPal account
If you pay by credit card or PayPal account, payment can only be made after confirmation by the customer service representative. We will inform you about this by e-mail. Only then can you pay the final amount of the package.
What is PayPal?
PayPal is the best-known and most widespread international financial services company specializing in e-commerce. You can also pay from your PayPal account (if you have one) or by PayPal (and in a secure environment guaranteed by it) by credit card. More detailed information and descriptions can be found in the downloadable pdf document "Payment with PayPal".
Choose your language and currency
In addition to the forint, it is the official currency of Hungary, you can also pay in euros. Exchange rate changes are constantly monitored, and prices can change accordingly. The language of the site is still Hungarian, but the most necessary parts (customer information, store main and subcategories, and product data sheet parameters) are also available in English after selecting "English" for easier orientation.
Finalizing the order (make an offer)
If you are satisfied that the contents of the cart correspond to the products you wish to order and that your data are correct, you can close your order by clicking on the "Order" button. The information provided on the website does not constitute an offer by the Seller to enter into a contract. In the case of orders covered by these GTC, you are considered the offeror.
By clicking on the "Order" button, you expressly acknowledge that your offer is considered to have been made, and your statement - in case of confirmation by the Seller according to these GTC - entails an obligation to pay. You are bound by your offer for a period of 48 hours. If your offer is not confirmed by the Seller within 48 hours in accordance with these general terms and conditions, you are released from the obligation of the offer.
Order processing, conclusion of the contract
Orders are processed in two steps. You can place an order at any time. You will first receive automatic feedback on your order, which only records that your order has been received through the website, but this confirmation does not constitute acceptance of your offer. If you notice that the automatic confirmation e-mail notification contains incorrect information (e.g. name, shipping address, telephone number, etc.), you are obliged to notify us of this fact at the same time as you enter the correct details by e-mail without delay. If you do not receive the automatic confirmation e-mail within 24 hours of your order, please contact us, because your order may not have arrived in our system due to technical reasons.
After sending your offer, the Seller will confirm your offer by a second e-mail. The contract is concluded when the confirmation e-mail sent by the Seller becomes available to you in your e-mail system (second confirmation).
Payment methods
Payment on receipt – Personal takeover
In the case of personal takeover, you can only pay for your order in cash.
Advance payment
In case of home delivery, you can also pay the price of the products by bank transfer.
Payment on receipt - Cash on delivery
If you want to pay the value of the order upon receipt of the package, select the "Payment on receipt" payment method.
Advance payment with credit card
In our webshop you can pay quickly and securely with a credit card in case of home delivery.
Shipping methods, shipping fees
Free shipping over 30,000 HUF
MPL courier service
The product is delivered by MPL courier service.
The fee for this shipping method is HUF 990 gross
Express One courier service
The product is delivered by the MPL courier service.
The fee for this shipping method is HUF 1490 gross.
GLS courier service
The product is delivered by the GLS courier service.
More information:https://gls-group.eu/HU/hu/cimzetteknek-nyujtott-szolgaltatasok
The fee for this shipping method is HUF 1990 Ft gross.
Packing costs
We pack our products in a suitably sized paper carton or paper box. The costs of this as follows:
Package value (HUF) |
Packing fee * (HUF) |
3,990-29,990 |
150 |
over 29,990 |
FREE!!! |
Shipping abroad
The product is also delivered by Express One courier service within the European Union.
Shipping fee:
For orders with a total amount exceeding €100, shipping is FREE for packages up to 5 kilograms! For orders with a total amount exceeding €200, shipping is FREE for packages up to 10 kilograms! In other cases, within the European Union, shipping costs may vary between €12 and €40, depending on the country.
Performance deadline
The general deadline for performance the order is up to 30 days from the order confirmation.
Reservation of rights, ownership clause
If you have previously ordered a product without receiving it during delivery (excluding the case when you exercised your right of withdrawal), or the Product has not been returned to the seller with a sign, the Seller will fulfil the order in accordance with the purchase price and advance payment of transport costs.
Seller may withhold the delivery of the product until it is satisfied that the price of the Product has been successfully paid through the electronic payment solution (including the case where, in the case of a product paid by bank transfer, the Buyer pays the purchase price in the currency of its Member State and the Seller does not receive the full amount of the purchase price and delivery fee due to the conversion and bank commissions and costs). If the price of the Product has not been paid in full, the Seller may call the Buyer to supplement the purchase price.
Sales to abroad
Seller does not discriminate between buyers within the territory of Hungary and outside the territory of the European Union by using the Website. Unless otherwise provided in these GTC, the Seller shall ensure the delivery and receipt of the ordered products in the territory of Hungary.
The provisions of these GTC are also applicable to purchases outside Hungary, provided that, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant decree, the buyer is a consumer who is a national of a Member State, or resident in a Member State, or an undertaking which is established in a Member State and purchases or uses goods or services in the European Union solely for end use, or acts with such intent. Consumer is a natural person who acts for a purpose which is outside his/her profession, independent occupation or business activity
The language of communication and purchase is primarily Hungarian, the Seller is not obliged to communicate with the Buyer in the language of the Member State of the Buyer.
Seller is not obliged to comply the non-contractual requirements specified in the national law of the Buyer's Member State in relation to the Product concerned, such as labelling or industry-specific requirements, or to inform the Buyer of these requirements.
Unless otherwise provided by the Seller, it applies Hungarian VAT to all Products.
According to these GTC, the Buyer may exercise its legal enforcement possibilities.
If an electronic payment solution is used, the payment will be made in the currency specified by the Seller.
Seller may withhold the delivery of the product until it is satisfied that the price of the Product has been successfully paid through the electronic payment solution (including the case where, in the case of a product paid by bank transfer, the Buyer pays the purchase price in the currency of its Member State and the Seller does not receive the full amount of the purchase price and delivery fee due to the conversion and bank commissions and costs). If the price of the Product has not been paid in full, the Seller may call the Buyer to supplement the purchase price.
In order to deliver the Product, the Seller also provides the non-Hungarian customers with the transfer options available to Hungarian customers.
If the customer may request the delivery of the Product to the territory of Hungary or to the territory of any other European Union Member State according to the GTC, the non-Hungarian customer may also request this by any of the delivery methods indicated in the GTC.
If the customer can choose to receive the Product in person at the Seller according to the GTC, the non-Hungarian buyer can also use this.
Otherwise, the Buyer may request that the Product be delivered abroad at its own expense. Hungarian customers are not entitled to this right.
After the payment of the delivery fee, the Seller fulfils the order, if the Buyer does not pay the delivery fee to the Seller, or does not solve his/her own delivery by the agreed date, the Seller terminates the contract and refunds the prepaid purchase price to the Buyer.
Consumer information on Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II. 26.)
Information on the right of withdrawal of the buyer who qualifies as a consumer's
According to Section 8:1 (1) (3) point on Civil Code consumer means a natural person acting outside his profession, independent occupation or business activity, thus legal persons cannot exercise the right of withdrawal without justification!
According to Section 20 of the Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II. 26.), the consumer has the right to withdraw without justification. The consumer has the right of withdrawal
a) in the case of a contract for the sale of a product
aa) the product,
ab) when buying multiple products if each product is delivered at a different time, to the last product delivered,
within 14 days from the date of receipt indicated by the consumer or by a third party other than the courier.
Nothing in this point shall affect the consumer's right to exercise the right of withdrawal specified in this point between the date of conclusion of the contract and the date of receipt of the product.
If the consumer has made an offer for the conclusion of the contract, the consumer shall have the right to withdraw the offer before the conclusion of the contract, which shall terminate the binding obligation to conclude the contract.
Statement of withdrawal, exercise of the consumer 's right of withdrawal or termination
The consumer may exercise the right of the insured in Section 20 of the Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II. 26.) using a clear statement to this effect or by using a template of the statement which can be downloaded from the website.
Validity of the consumer's withdrawal statement
The right of withdrawal shall be deemed to be exercised within the deadline if the consumer submits his/her statement within the deadline. The deadline is 14 days.
The consumer shall prove that he/she has exercised his/her right of withdrawal in accordance with this provision.
The Seller shall confirm the consumer's withdrawal statement upon receipt on an electronic media.
Obligations of the Seller in the event of withdrawal by the consumer
Seller's refund obligation
If the consumer exercises his/her right of withdrawal from the contract in accordance with Section 22 of the Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II. 26.), the Seller shall, within fourteen days of becoming aware of the withdrawal, reimburse the full amount paid by the consumer for consideration, including any costs incurred in performance as the shipping fee.
Please note that this provision does not apply to extra costs incurred by choosing a mode other than the least costly mode of transport.
Method of Seller's obligation to refund
In the event of withdrawal or termination appropriate to Section 22 of the Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II. 26.), the Seller shall refund the amount due to the consumer in the same manner as the payment method used by the consumer. Based on the consumer's express consent, the Seller may use another form of payment for the refund but shall not charge the consumer any additional fee. The Seller shall not be liable for any delay resulting from a mistake and/or inaccuracy in the Customer's bank account number or postal address.
Additional costs
If the consumer specifically chooses a mode of transport other than the least expensive standard mode of transport, the Seller shall not be obliged to reimburse the resulting additional costs. In this case, we are obliged to refund up to the general shipping rates indicated.
Right of retention
The Seller may withhold the refund amount to the consumer until the consumer has returned the product or has proved beyond a reasonable doubt that it has been returned; the earlier of the two dates shall be considered. We are not able to accept shipments sent by cash on delivery or postage.
consumer's obligations in the event of withdrawal or termination
Returning the product
If the consumer withdraws from the contract in accordance with Section 22 of the Government Decree No. 45/2014. (II. 26.), the consumer shall return the product promptly, but no later than fourteen days after notice of withdrawal or take over it to the Seller or a person authorized by the Seller to receive the product. Returns are deemed to have been completed on time if the consumer has dispatched the product before the time limit expires.
Bearing the direct costs of returning the product
The consumer shall bear the cost of returning the product. The product shall be returned to the Seller's address. If the consumer terminates the contract relating to the provision of services between the absents after the commencement of the performance, the consumer shall pay to the business a fee commensurate with the service provided up to the date of notice of termination. The payable amount by the consumer shall be determined based on the total amount of the consideration specified in the contract including tax. If the consumer proves that the determined total amount is excessive, the proportionate amount shall be calculated based on the market value of the services provided up to the date of termination of the contract. Please note that we will not be able to take over any product returned by cash on delivery or by post.
Consumer's responsibility for depreciation
The consumer is liable for depreciation resulting from use in excess of that required to determine the nature, characteristics and functioning of the product.
The right of withdrawal cannot be exercised in the following cases
The Seller expressly draws your attention to the fact that you cannot exercise your right of withdrawal in the referred cases under Section 29 (1) of Government Decree No. 45/2014 (II.26.):
in the case of a contract for the provision of a service, after the performance of the service as a whole, where performance has begun with the consumer's express prior consent, and the consumer has acknowledged that he/she will lose his/her right of withdrawal;
in the case of a product or service whose price or fee which is subject to fluctuations in the money market which cannot be controlled by the business, even within the deadline for exercising the right of withdrawal;
in the case of a non-prefabricated product which has been manufactured according to the consumer's request or at the express request of the consumer, or which is personalized to the consumer;
perishable or, in the case of a product which will retain its quality for a short period;
such sealed product which cannot be returned after opening for health or hygiene reasons;
in respect of a product which, by its nature, is inextricably mixed with another product after its delivery;
such alcoholic beverages of which actual value depends on the market fluctuations beyond the control of the business, and the price of which was agreed by the parties at the time of the conclusion of the contract, but shall not be performed until the thirtieth day after the date of conclusion of the contract;
in the case of a business contract where the business has contacted the consumer to carry out urgent repair or maintenance work at the express request of the consumer;
the sealed audio or video recordings and computer software in cases where the consumer has opened the packaging after the delivery;
newspapers, magazines, and periodicals, except for subscription contracts;
for contracts concluded at public auction;
a contract for the provision of accommodation, transport, car rental, catering, or leisure services, other than residential services, where the performance date or deadline specified in the contract;
in the case of the digital content provided on a non-tangible medium if the business commenced performance with the consumer's express prior consent and the consumer, with that consent, made a statement of that he/she loses his/her right of withdrawal after commencement of the performance.
Warranty for material defects, product warranty and guarantee
This section of the consumer information is based on applying Annex 3 to Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) that was made by the authorization of Article 9 (3) of Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.).
Warranty for material defects
In which cases can you exercise your right to warranty?
In the event of defective performance by the Seller, you may enforce a warranty claim against the Seller under the terms of the Civil Code.
What rights do you have based on your warranty claim?
You can choose to have the following warranty claims:
You may claim repair or replacement, unless the performance of the chosen remedy for breach of warranty for material defects is impossible, or if it would result in disproportionate additional costs to the Seller compared to satisfying a different claim for warranty for material defects. If the repair or replacement has not been requested or could not be requested by you, may claim the pro rata reduction of the consideration or may repair the defect him/herself or have it repaired by somebody else at the Seller’s expense, or may cancel the contract in the last case.
You may switch from the chosen remedy for breach of warranty for material defects to another remedy. You shall pay the costs caused to the Seller by the switch, unless the Seller caused the switch, or the switch was otherwise justified.
What is the deadline for you to enforce your warranty claim?
You shall be required to inform the Seller of any lack of conformity without delay, but no later than two months after the discovery of the error. However, please note that you may no longer exercise your warranty rights beyond the two-year limitation period from the performance of the contract.
If the subject of the contract between the consumer and the business is a second-hand item, the parties may agree on a shorter limitation period; a limitation period of less than one year may not be validly established in this case either.
Against whom can you enforce your warranty claim?
You can enforce your warranty claim against the Seller.
What are the other conditions for enforcing your warranty rights?
Within six months of performance, there are no conditions other than the notification of the defect to enforce your warranty claim if you certify that the product or service was provided by Seller. However, after six months from the date of performance, you are obliged to prove that the defect you recognized already existed at the time of performance.
By default, warranty and guarantee rights are different from the general rules for used products. There may be defective performance in the case of used products, however, the circumstances under which the customer may have expected certain defects to be considered. As a result of obsolescence, the occurrence of certain defects becomes more frequent, which means that a second-hand product may be of the same quality as a newly purchased product. Based on this, the customer is entitled to enforce its warranty rights only in respect of defects that are beyond and independently of the defects in use. If the used product is defective and the buyer, who is a consumer, has been informed thereof at the time of the purchase, the Service Provider shall not be liable for the known defect.
Product warranty
In which cases can you exercise your product warranty right?
In the event of a defect in a movable thing (product), you may, at your option, enforce a warranty claim or a product warranty claim.
What rights do you have under your product warranty claim?
As a product warranty claim, you can only request the repair or replacement of the defective product.
In which case is the product considered defective?
A product is defective if it does not meet the quality requirements in force at the time of placing on the market or if it does not have the characteristics specified by the manufacturer.
What is the deadline for enforcing your product warranty claim?
You can enforce your product warranty claim within two years of the product being placed on the market by the manufacturer. Upon expiry of this period, he shall lose this right.
Against whom and under what other conditions can you assert your product warranty claim?
You can only exercise your product warranty claim against the manufacturer or distributor of the movable item. You have to prove the defect of the product in the event of a product warranty claim.
In what cases is the manufacturer (distributor) exempt from product liability?
The manufacturer (distributor) is only released from its product warranty obligation if it can prove that:
the product was not manufactured or marketed in the course of its business, or
the defect was not detectable at the time of placing on the market according to the state of the art, or
the defect of the product results from the application of legislation or a mandatory official regulation.
It is sufficient for the manufacturer (distributor) to prove only one reason for the exemption.
Please note that due to the same error, you cannot claim a warranty for a product and a product warranty at the same time, in parallel. However, if your product warranty claim is successfully enforced, you can assert your warranty claim against the manufacturer for the replaced product or repaired part.
In which cases can you exercise your guarantee right?
Under the Government Decree No. 151/2003. (IX. 22.) on mandatory guarantee for certain durable consumer goods, the Seller is obliged to provide a warranty for the new durable consumer goods (e.g. technical articles, tools, machines) listed in Annex 1 of the Decree and to the extent specified therein, their accessories and components (hereinafter referred to as together "consumer goods" in this point) in case of sale,
What rights you are entitled to and within what period of the guarantee?
Guarantee rights
Under the Government Decree No. 151/2003. (IX. 22.) as a general rule, the buyer can have a claim for repair, and in the cases listed in the section “Rules for handling warranty claims”, can have a claim for replacement and a refund of money as a warranty claim against the Seller.
The Buyer may, at his/her option, enforce his/her request for repair directly at the Seller's registered office, any premises, branch office and at the repair service indicated by the Seller on the warranty card.
Validation deadline
The warranty claim can be enforced during the warranty period, the warranty period is according to the Government Decree No 151/2003. (IX. 22.):
a) one year in the case of a sale price reaching HUF 10,000 but not exceeding HUF 100,000,
b) two years in the case of a sale price exceeding HUF 100,000 but not exceeding HUF 250,000,
c) three years over the sale price of HUF 250,000.
Failure to meet these deadlines will result in forfeiture of rights however, in the event of a repair of a consumer product, the warranty period shall be extended from the date of delivery for repair to the time during which the buyer was unable to use the consumer product as intended due to the defect.
The warranty period starts when the consumer item is handed over to the Buyer, or if the commissioning is performed by the Seller or its agent, it starts on the day of commissioning.
If the Buyer puts the consumer goods into operation more than six months after delivery, the starting date of the warranty period is the day of delivery of the consumer goods.
Rules for handling warranty claims
When handling the repair, the Seller shall endeavour to make the repair within 15 days. The time limit for repair starts when the consumer goods are received.
If the duration of the repair or replacement exceeds fifteen days, the Seller shall inform the Buyer of the expected duration of the repair or replacement.
If, during the first repair of a consumer product during the warranty period, it is established by the Seller that the consumer product cannot be repaired, unless the buyer provides otherwise, the Seller is obliged to replace the consumer goods within eight days. If it is not possible to replace the consumer product, the Seller is obliged to refund the purchase price indicated on the receipt presented by the consumer and proving the payment for the consumer goods - on the invoice or receipt issued on the basis of the Value Added Tax Act - to the buyer within eight days.
By accepting the GTC, the Buyer agrees that the information may be provided to him/her electronically or in another way suitable for the proof of receipt by the Buyer.
If the Seller is unable to repair the consumer goods within 30 days:
if the Buyer has consented to this, the repair may be made to him at a later date, or
if the Buyer does not consent to the subsequent performance of the repair or has not made a statement in connection therewith, the consumer goods has to be replaced within eight days after the expiration of the thirty-day period, or
if the Buyer does not consent to the subsequent performance of the repair or has not stated in connection therewith, but it is not possible to replace the consumer goods, the sale price on the consumer goods invoice or receipt must be reimbursed within eight days after the thirty-day deadline.
If the consumer product is defective for the 4th time, the Buyer is entitled to:
apply to the Seller for repair, or
under Section 6:159 (2) b) on Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code instead of the claim for repair, request a proportionate delivery of the purchase price from the Seller, or
under Section 6:159 (2) b) on Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code instead of the claim for repair, repair the consumer goods at the expense of the Seller or to have them repaired by another, or
if the Buyer does not exercise these rights (repairs, price reductions and other repairs at the expense of the Seller) or has not stated in connection with them, the consumer goods has to be replaced within 8 days, if it is not possible to replace the consumer goods, the sale price on the invoice or receipt of the consumer goods has to be refunded to him within eight days.
Specifications under “Rules for handling guarantee claims” do not apply to the electric bicycle, electric scooter, quadra, motorcycle, for mopeds, for a car, motorhome, caravan, for a caravan with a trailer, to the trailer, and the motor watercraft
However, in the case of these products as well, the Seller is obliged to endeavour to fulfil the repair request within 15 days.
If the duration of the repair or replacement exceeds fifteen days, the Seller shall inform the Buyer of the expected duration of the repair or replacement.
What is the relation of the guarantee to other warranty rights?
The guarantee is valid in addition to the warranty rights (product and warranty for material defects), a fundamental difference between the general warranty rights and the guarantee is that the burden of proof is more favourable to the consumer in the case of a guarantee.
Consumables with a fixed connection that are subject to the mandatory warranty according to Government Decree No. 151/2003 or that weigh more than 10 kg or cannot be transported as a hand luggage on public transport vehicles, except for vehicles, shall be repaired at the place of operation. If repairs cannot be carried out at the place of operation, dismantling and installation, as well as removal and return, will be provided by the company or, in the case of a direct repair request, by the repair service.
The seller's undertaking during the term of the mandatory guarantee may not contain conditions for the consumer which are more unfavourable than the rights guaranteed by the rules of the mandatory guarantee. Thereafter, however, the terms of the voluntary guarantee can be freely determined, however, the guarantee in this case cannot affect the existence of the consumer's rights arising from legislation, including the warranty of supplies.
Replacement claim within three business days
In the case of sales through the Webshop, the replacement claim within three business days also applicable. Claims for replacement within three business days may be claimed for consumer durable goods covered by the Government Decree No. 151/2003. (IX. 22.), according to which if you validate your replacement claim within 3 working days, then the Seller shall understand that the product was defective at the time of sale and shall replace the product without further delay.
When is Seller released from its warranty obligation?
The Seller shall be exempt from its guarantee obligation only if it proves that the cause of the defect occurred after the performance.
Please note that due to the same defect, a warranty and a guarantee claim, and a product warranty and a guarantee claim cannot be enforced concurrently, otherwise you will be entitled to the rights arising from the guarantee regardless of the warranty rights.
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